Thursday, August 06, 2015

My First Library

"My first library was in my hometown, Danvers, MA - it's called the Peabody Institute Library - which always confused people because they thought it was in Peabody, Ma, but it was just named for George Peabody (who probably lived in Danvers - dunno). Anyway, I particularly remember the inside of the building because they remodeled it while I was in grade school and I remember thinking it looked like a palace! The inside was an open concept with circular stairways that went up several floors and when you were at the top, you could see all the way to the bottom. For a kid that was pretty cool.. I especially remember loving the top floor because it was so quiet and remote and I used to look for my favorite authors up there, even though I had read her books over and over. Which author you ask? Lucy Maud Montgomery of course. I used to sit on the top floor reading all of Anne's (Anne of Green Gables) adventures for hours." #MyFirstLibrary #ThrowbackThursday

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