Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Reading Habits

Last month the world celebrated Book Bloggers Appreciation Week, or BBAW, from September 14 – 18. One way in which this occasion was marked was to survey book bloggers about their reading habits. As I was looking over the survey I thought some these would be interesting questions to ask our patrons. So, here goes:

Do you snack while you read? If so, what is your favorite reading snack?

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters or are you able to put the book down at any point?

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?

Are you the type of person who reads only one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?

Do you organize your books? (By genre, title, or author etc.?)


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I don't snakc while I read. I read a lot so would weigh 300+ lbs if I did!
    I try to read to the end of a chapter before stopping.
    I don't look up unfamiliar words; I try to gauge their meaning from the context of the sentence. However, on my Kindle, I can highlight an unknown word and get referred to a dictionary right on the spot.
    I read many books at one time!

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I don't snack while I read--ever--I have never thought about that.
    I do try to read to the end of a chapter, unless they are extremely long.
    I will look up words I am unfamiliar with unless I am curled up in bed (which is most of the time).
    I can definitely read more than one book at a time.
    My books are not very orderly. :(

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I don't snack while reading- finding food stains in a book is disgusting!

    I stop reading when I start falling asleep. Nothing more startling than having the book hit you in the face because you fell asleep. Oh the hazards of reading in bed.

    I make a mental note of unknown words, look 'em up later. This system doesn't always work....

    I can only read 2 books at a time if 1 is non-fiction.

    Only my non-fiction books get organized by subject. Fiction is just a big luscious stack- what do I read next?

  4. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It's not so much that I eat while I read but that I read while I eat! For strictly snacking, foods that can be eaten one-handed, like popcorn or chips, are ideal because it's a sin to stain a book!

    I have a hard time stopping so I sometimes read to the end of the whole book...but definitely to the end of the chapter.

    I use context clues for unfamiliar words. I'm more likely to look up a word I think an author is using incorrectly. Dan Brown used "burgeoning" twice in The Lost Symbol, sort of as a synonym for "bursting." I'm still not convinced he used it correctly.

    I only read one book at a time.

    On my bookshelves, books are arranged loosely by genre, then by size. My "to read" books are arranged by source, i.e., library, friends, me. It helps me gauge how long I have to read them.


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