Monday, December 29, 2008

The Hunger Games

I repeatedly get asked about what kids can read once they are finished with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series. And though I have a "If you liked Twilight try..." booklist available, fans may also be interested in titles that get Stephenie Meyer excited. One such title, that she gushed about on her blog at, is Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Here is what she had to say:

People often ask me for reading suggestions, and I'm always happy to share because books are exciting things to me. My latest excitement is this: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I was so obsessed with this book I had to take it with me out to dinner and hide it under the edge of the table so I wouldn't have to stop reading. The story kept me up for several nights in a row, because even after I was finished, I just lay in bed wide awake thinking about it. I've been recommending it to total strangers in Target. And now to everyone who reads my website. The Hunger Games is amazing.

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