Monday, April 30, 2007

Welcome Neighbors

My neighbor brought home 3000 new pets last night and we were thrilled. Several other neighbors formed a crowd to watch them enter their new home. These are the first honeybee hives in the neighborhood and I was intrigued to see how the new hives were set up. The beekeeper showed us how docile the bees were, hanging together in a big clump. They were still very peaceful after being roughly knocked out of their box and into the hive. She also told us many fascinating facts such as drones have no stingers, and they have extra large eyes so they can spot the queen on her mating flight. She also told us how she has bees intentionally sting her hands to keep her arthritis at bay for at least three weeks. If you would like to learn more about the honeybee, and how to keep them, take a look at:

A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell

Sweetness and Light: the mysterious history of the honeybee by Hattie Ellis

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