Wednesday, June 21, 2006

When Lightning Strikes

I drove home from the Library through a violent thunderstorm last night. As I watched lightning bolts flash across the panorama of the sky I was reminded of two intriguing novels. The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman tells the story of a librarian who is hit by lightning. She joins a lighting bolt survivors group and falls in love with another victim. The novel details the many bizarre ways lightning can affect people; loss of the ability to see the color red, hearing clicking noises, tree shaped images burned into the skin, are just a few symptoms.

One of my favorite novels by Carolyn Haines is Touched. The story takes place in a small southern town that is shaken up by the arrival of a bold, unconventional woman and her young daughter, Duncan. When Duncan is hit by lightning she gains the ability to foretell the future. The townspeople are convinced that she has been marked by the devil. The novel is reminiscent of To Kill a Mockingbird in the stifling small town atmosphere and the courage required of a few remarkable characters to do stand against common opinion and do what is right.

Read these memorable books while summer thunderstorms rage overhead!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Wow. I was just thinking how it seemed unlikely that such support groups exist. I Googled "lightning strike survivors" with "support group" and was astonished at how many results I got. You really DO learn something new everyday. Thanks! Except that now I'm paranoid about lightning strikes...


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