Shawn Colvin Fans, You Need to Hear This!
Even though Shawn Colvin won a Grammy in 1989, her true fans never seemed to make up a huge segment of the populace. But, I remember spending the entire summer of 1990 listening to Steady On, on my Sony Walkman, (we’re not talking Discman here, I mean the original cassette playing Walkman) while working on my tan at York Beach. Yes, I was rockin’ those big spongy headphones - and very little sunscreen. Eventually the Walkman broke, the cassettes got lost, and by the time Colvin had another big hit, When Sunny Came Home in 1997, I’d moved on musically and dermatologically. But, today I was listening to the new CD, Follow Me Down, from Sarah Jarosz, a young folk singer who was BORN a full year after the summer of Shawn. Critics have called her the “next generation Gillian Welch” but I hear, especially in the song Runaway, nothing but Shawn Colvin. Ahh, it takes me back…… anyway critics have also said that she could make folk music attractive to the “twitter generation”….uh oh, that means your kids will be embarrassed by you and for you if you are observed singing, car dancing or otherwise partying to this new young artist like it was 1990 all over again.
By Barbara
WHAT??? I LOVE Shawn! I'm on it!