But then Willard, trying I’m sure to be kind to the elderly, said that librarians were such good people because we did such “laborious” work. Huh? I’ve heard our profession called many things, but never laborious. Sounds like he thinks that we’re 9th century monks transcribing The Book of Kells or something!

Definitions of the word laborious mention: “arduous, backbreaking, grueling, requiring sacrifice, toilsome and tiresome.” Sounds like we’re working on a chain gang, doesn’t it? I will confess there are some days that have some elements of laboriousness, but overall, being a librarian is joyous, interesting, varied, and intellectually invigorating.
When you come right down to it, our job is to connect the customer with the information or materials they need, whether for education, self-empowerment or entertainment. When a user finds what they want, they’re happy and we’re happier. We learn something new every day. We never know what questions we’ll get asked and we enjoy that challenge. We’re surrounded, for the most part, by patrons who want to visit our facility and who find (here’s our motto…) “Solutions and Delight.” If I ever categorize my job as “laborious” that is the day I will retire!
Sometimes "tedious" even, depending upon the subject matter, but that's a badday--but not laborious. Make a note, Willard.