Not sure what kind of dog to get? Take a look at The Howell Book of Dogs. It covers 300 breeds, offering photos, descriptions, energy and grooming needs, as well as health concerns.
Once you figure out what breed you want, read Puppy's First Steps by renowned animal behavior expert Dr. Nicholas Dodman before you go to pick one out. It discusses how to temperament test puppies, what to look for in a breeder, and equipment you will want to have on hand before puppy comes home.
Now that you have your pup, or are working with an older dog, read The Well Adjusted Dog by Dr. Dodman which covers many facets of dog behavior. Did you know that dogs can suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior just like people? He also offers advice and opinions on different training techniques and equipment like choke collars.
If you already have a dog and are looking for positive techniques to train with, try respected dog trainer Pat Miller's Positive Perspectives 2: Know Your Dog, Train Your Dog. Just a few of the issues she discusses are what your dog's body language means, how to use fun games to train your dog, how your dog learns from other dogs, what to do if your dog digs or barks too much, and how to deal with dog fights. This volume is packed with good advice and insights.
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