An article entitled “Something for Nothing” in February 10th’s Boston Globe, claims that, in this economy, it’s now cool to be frugal. “Whereas we used to hide our thriftiness for fear of being ridiculed as a cheapskate, now we flaunt it like a badge of honor” says writer Johnny Diaz. One of the examples from the article cites a woman who now borrows all her movies from the public library and picks up museum passes there as well. Well, duh!!
If you’re one of those people trying to stretch every dollar, here’s a passel of excellent reasons to use your public library, the best bargain in town:
1.) Paperbacks now cost about $8 on average. Borrow them for free at the library instead; or, if you really want to own them, shop our booksale where you can purchase recent, like-new paperbacks for just $1 every day!
2.) Had to drop or cut back on your Internet service? Bring your laptop in and use the library’s free Wi-Fi. Or use our PC workstations for 90-minutes of free web access per day (for cardholders; non-cardholders get 20 minutes per day).
3.) Looking for a job? Beef up your test-taking skills by using our free Practice Test database which covers dozens of professions and careers.
4.) Give up Netflix and borrow our DVDs with your free library card. We get all the most popular films for adults and children as soon as they’re released on disk. We also have loads of TV series on DVD too. (In the interest of full disclosure, yes, we do charge fines if they’re late!)
5.) Cutting down on iTunes downloads? Borrow our music CDs instead. We have all the latest Grammy winners (and need I mention it's free?)
6.) An audiobook can cost $40 or more. Borrow our books on CD or download free books to your MP3 player through our website.
7.) Tackling those home repair jobs yourself now? We have all the fix-it books for do-it-yourself plumbers, electricians, gardeners, and remodelers.
8.) Confused about your investments and where to put your hard-earned money these days? We have all the latest financial advice books from Suze Orman to Harry Dent. All free for borrowing.
9.) We don’t have the book you need? We can search out and borrow most any volume you need through our extensive Interlibrary Loan service.
10.) Can’t afford to take your kids to expensive concerts and movies anymore? Our children’s story time programs and weekly film showings are always free. Bring your own popcorn!
11.) Buy softcover books for $2 and hardcovers for just $3 at the Friends’ continuous booksale. Even the bargain carts at Barnes & Noble can’t beat these prices. And you’ll be helping the Friends of the Library at the same time.
12.) Through April 15, get your taxes done for free at the library through the AARP’s Tax Assistance Program. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning from 9am to 12Noon. The library also has all the tax forms you’ll need.
The operative word here is FREE! Use the library frequently and we promise you’ll save hundreds of dollars annually! Or use our Library Worth Calculator http://www.dover.lib.nh.us/calculator/DPLcalculator.htm and figure out the savings for yourself!
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