Paws For Reading is designed to allow kids the chance to read to a non-judgmental listener who will accept the story exactly as they read it. This gives kids a chance to experience stress free reading. Children find themselves relaxing and having fun while reading! They come to think of themselves as good readers, which helps their self esteem and makes them eager to read. And eager readers practice their reading more often, leading to improved reading skill.
Dover Public Library is offering Paws For Reading in the Children's Room. Children ages 6 - 10 can read to Goldie, a Certified Therapy Dog, for a fifteen minute session.
Goldie will be available
Saturday, March 7 from 10:30 to 11:30 or
Tuesday, March 17 from 6:30 to 7:30.
Your child can bring a favorite book or choose from some of Goldie's recommended reads.
Sign up in the Children's Room.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Teddy Bear Sleepover

After enjoying a snack and making pillows for their stuffed friends to sleep on, their owners found a comfortable spot in the Children's Room to tuck their "teddies" in for the night. One last good-night kiss later, the children headed home to their own beds with the promise to be back in the morning.
Did our stuffed friends stay put in their sleeping spots all night? Our hidden cameras took some very interesting pictures during the night. Just what did happen at the "Teddy Bear Sleepover"? Well, see for yourself...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
DVDs at the DPL

Monday, February 23, 2009
Judge This Book's Cover

It has been a while since I gave a shout out to a book for great cover art, so here I go. Disquiet's cover really grabbed my attention. Doesn't it look intriguing?
The publisher's description reads, "Olivia arrives at her mother's chateau in rural France (the first time in more than a decade) with her two young children in tow. Soon the family is joined by Olivia's brother Marcus and his wife Sophie-but this reunion is far from joyful. After years of desperately wanting a baby, Sophie has just given birth to a stillborn child, and she is struggling to overcome her devastation. Meanwhile, Olivia wrestles with her own secrets about the cruel and violent man she married many years before. Exquisitely written and reminiscent of Ian McEwan and J. M. Coetzee, Disquiet is a darkly beautiful and atmospheric story that will linger in the mind long after the final page is turned."
Don't you want to read it now?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cybil Award Winners Announced!

The 2008-2009 winners are....
Easy Reader: I Love My New Toy by Mo Willems
Fantasy & Science Fiction Middle Grade: Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Fantasy & Science Fiction Young Adult: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (I love this one!)
Fiction Picture Books: How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham
Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novel: Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale
Young Adult Graphic Novel: Emiko Superstar by Mariko Tamaki (on order)
Middle Grade Fiction: The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd
Fantasy & Science Fiction Middle Grade: Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Fantasy & Science Fiction Young Adult: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (I love this one!)
Fiction Picture Books: How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham
Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novel: Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale
Young Adult Graphic Novel: Emiko Superstar by Mariko Tamaki (on order)
Middle Grade Fiction: The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd
Young Adult Fiction: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Poetry: Honeybee by Naomi Shihab Nye
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"Dover Reads" Kick-off Celebration

"Dover Reads" is a citywide reading project, sponsored by the Dover School District Community Involvement Committee, which encourages everyone to read the same book to promote a sense of community and the joy of reading. This year, the committee has chosen books based on the life of Marley, the Grogan family's dog.
Titles to choose from are:
Marley & Me: life and love with the world's worst dog by John Grogan (adult)
Marley: a dog like no other by John Grogan(grades 3 & up)
Marley & Me: Meet Marley by Natalie Engle(grades 1 & 2)
Bad Dog, Marley! by John Grogan(Picture Book)
Marley: a dog like no other by John Grogan(grades 3 & up)
Marley & Me: Meet Marley by Natalie Engle(grades 1 & 2)
Bad Dog, Marley! by John Grogan(Picture Book)
Special activities and events, such as the annual essay contest, the "Pennies for Pets" collection drive, a vacation week craft at the "Make-it, Take-it" craft table in the library's Children's Room, and the final celebration and awards ceremony, will be announced.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Best Deal in Town!

An article entitled “Something for Nothing” in February 10th’s Boston Globe, claims that, in this economy, it’s now cool to be frugal. “Whereas we used to hide our thriftiness for fear of being ridiculed as a cheapskate, now we flaunt it like a badge of honor” says writer Johnny Diaz. One of the examples from the article cites a woman who now borrows all her movies from the public library and picks up museum passes there as well. Well, duh!!
If you’re one of those people trying to stretch every dollar, here’s a passel of excellent reasons to use your public library, the best bargain in town:
1.) Paperbacks now cost about $8 on average. Borrow them for free at the library instead; or, if you really want to own them, shop our booksale where you can purchase recent, like-new paperbacks for just $1 every day!
2.) Had to drop or cut back on your Internet service? Bring your laptop in and use the library’s free Wi-Fi. Or use our PC workstations for 90-minutes of free web access per day (for cardholders; non-cardholders get 20 minutes per day).
3.) Looking for a job? Beef up your test-taking skills by using our free Practice Test database which covers dozens of professions and careers.
4.) Give up Netflix and borrow our DVDs with your free library card. We get all the most popular films for adults and children as soon as they’re released on disk. We also have loads of TV series on DVD too. (In the interest of full disclosure, yes, we do charge fines if they’re late!)
5.) Cutting down on iTunes downloads? Borrow our music CDs instead. We have all the latest Grammy winners (and need I mention it's free?)
6.) An audiobook can cost $40 or more. Borrow our books on CD or download free books to your MP3 player through our website.
7.) Tackling those home repair jobs yourself now? We have all the fix-it books for do-it-yourself plumbers, electricians, gardeners, and remodelers.
8.) Confused about your investments and where to put your hard-earned money these days? We have all the latest financial advice books from Suze Orman to Harry Dent. All free for borrowing.
9.) We don’t have the book you need? We can search out and borrow most any volume you need through our extensive Interlibrary Loan service.
10.) Can’t afford to take your kids to expensive concerts and movies anymore? Our children’s story time programs and weekly film showings are always free. Bring your own popcorn!
11.) Buy softcover books for $2 and hardcovers for just $3 at the Friends’ continuous booksale. Even the bargain carts at Barnes & Noble can’t beat these prices. And you’ll be helping the Friends of the Library at the same time.
12.) Through April 15, get your taxes done for free at the library through the AARP’s Tax Assistance Program. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning from 9am to 12Noon. The library also has all the tax forms you’ll need.
The operative word here is FREE! Use the library frequently and we promise you’ll save hundreds of dollars annually! Or use our Library Worth Calculator and figure out the savings for yourself!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Mean Librarian Tricks

Happy 200th Birthday, Abe!

How many books have been published about Abraham Lincoln? I tried to find out, but the answers varied widely. The New Yorker mentioned "over 15,000 since his death"; the Library of Congress's catalog gave me over 7,300 books with keyword "Lincoln", and our own library has well over 100 Lincoln titles for all ages.
And it seems there's been at least one new book a week recently in honor of the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth on February 12, 1809. The subject of our 16th president never seems to grow old and Doris Kearns Goodwin's 2005 history, Team of Rivals, has seen a huge resurgence in popularity after President Obama was observed reading it. Also popular has been Manhunt: the 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson.
Here's some our most recent Lincoln purchases:
Lincoln: the Biography of a Writer by Fred Kaplan
President Lincoln: The Duty of a Statesman by William Lee Miller
Mrs. Lincoln: A Life by Catherine Clinton
Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as commander in chief by James M. McPherson
Lincoln and Douglas: the Debates that Defined America by Allen C. Guelzo
Big Enough to be Inconsistent: Abraham Lincoln Confronts Slavery and Race by George M. Fredrickson
Lincoln and His Admirals: Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. Navy, and the Civil War by Craig L. Symonds
PLUS... on Tuesday evening February 17, the Library will host a special appearance by Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln at 7pm. "The Long and the Short of It" by Lincoln presenters Steve and Sharon Wood will re-enact scenes from the 1861 White House and, as the president and First Lady, will reminiscence about their long political journey begun in Springfield, IL. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, this exciting and timely program is free and refreshments will follow. Please join us!
Chris Benedetto as a Union soldier, Steve Wood as Abe Lincoln, and Sharon Wood as Mary Todd Lincoln, ca. 1861.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Library Hero

Pilot Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger, of Hudson River fame, is now not only a hero to the passengers and crew he saved, but he is a hero in the library world. Apparently Mr. Sullenberger had checked out a book from his local library, and the book was on the plane with him, and might still be floating down the Hudson. Mr. Sullenberger called his library to explain the situation and ask for an extension and a waiver of overdue fines. Wow--now that is a sense of responsibility. I am thinking that he probably had a few things on his mind, besides his library book, like all the requests for interviews and requests for his presence at little things like the inauguration of the President. The book was on the topic of ethics, which Mr. Sullenberger seems to know a few things about. It is nice to see that Mr. Sullenberger not only uses his local library, but respects his privileges. The library not only waived his fines, but they will be replacing the book in his honor.
P.S. I Loathe You

Did that grab your attention? That is #10 in the Clique series of young adult books by Lisi Harrison, and it is being released today. This is my favorite series of books that I have never read. I have no desire to read them, but the snarky book titles always make me chuckle. Here is the complete list for your reading pleasure:
- The Clique (boring!)
- Best Friends for Never
- Revenge of the Wannabes
- Invasion of the Boy Snatchers
- The Pretty Committee Strikes Back
- Dial L for Loser
- It's Not Easy Being Mean
- Sealed with a Diss (my personal favorite)
- Bratfest at Tiffany's
- P.S. I Loathe You (look for this one on our shelves soon)
- Boys "R" Us (coming out in July)
Friday, February 06, 2009
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say...

Stephen King recently created a buzz by bad-talking the very popular Twilight series author Stephenie Meyer. He was being interviewed by Lorrie Lynch for a story which will appear in USA Weekend on March 6-8, but for now you can see her blog post . She asked him if his mainstream success over the past 35 years paved the way for the massive careers of Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling and Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. In the course of his answer he said "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn," he said. "She's not very good."
Now I will preface my comments by saying I am not a fan of either King or Meyers. Having said that who does Stephen King think he is? I think his comments were just mean spirited, and he should take a second look at some of his own writing. What did he gain with his trash talking except many angry Meyer's fans who will be trash talking him for quite some time. The wrath of millions of teenage girls is upon you Mr. King--beware.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Antique Valentine Cards
Gone To The Dogs

Not sure what kind of dog to get? Take a look at The Howell Book of Dogs. It covers 300 breeds, offering photos, descriptions, energy and grooming needs, as well as health concerns.
Once you figure out what breed you want, read Puppy's First Steps by renowned animal behavior expert Dr. Nicholas Dodman before you go to pick one out. It discusses how to temperament test puppies, what to look for in a breeder, and equipment you will want to have on hand before puppy comes home.
Now that you have your pup, or are working with an older dog, read The Well Adjusted Dog by Dr. Dodman which covers many facets of dog behavior. Did you know that dogs can suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior just like people? He also offers advice and opinions on different training techniques and equipment like choke collars.
If you already have a dog and are looking for positive techniques to train with, try respected dog trainer Pat Miller's Positive Perspectives 2: Know Your Dog, Train Your Dog. Just a few of the issues she discusses are what your dog's body language means, how to use fun games to train your dog, how your dog learns from other dogs, what to do if your dog digs or barks too much, and how to deal with dog fights. This volume is packed with good advice and insights.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Watercolors by Jesse Comeau
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
What Kind Of Question Is That?

We just never know what we will be asked next.
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