On January 24, the Washington Post ran an AP article about a Vermont woman who kept over 40 library books and A/V items overdue for more than a year. The items were valued at $460 and the library in St. Johnsbury couldn't get her to return them. So she was cited for "theft of rented property" and has a court date in March.
My question is...why is this news? Of course it's theft. Of course she should go to court and return the items and pay fines or restitution. If someone can be charged with shoplifting for stealing a 6-pack from a store, why shouldn't that person be cited for stealing library materials worth $460? It must have been a slow newsday for the AP to cover this breaking story!
My feelings on the matter of non-returned library books can best be expressed by this little poem (which is not official City of Dover Library Policy, by the way, but simply my own opinion):
These books belong to none but me,
For there's my name inside to see.
To steal this book, if you should try,
It's by the throat that you'll hang high.
And ravens then will gather 'bout
To find your eyes and pull them out.
And when you're screaming "Oh, Oh, Oh!"
Remember, you deserved this woe!
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