Yep, that's right. I'm busting on Jane Austen again. How many books about Jane, Eliza, Mr.Darcy, and her neighbors can we stand? I'm surprised they have not come out with one by her mother called Jane Journal: My Experience with the Author in Utero. Now Shakespeare is another story. Lots more. We've had several new novels come in which use Shakespeare's plays in the plot. Juliet by Anne Fortier is a wonderful first novel set in Siena Italy. The books switches between Julie Jacobs in present day Siena and her ancestress Giulietta Tolomei, the model for the original Juliet. Jennifer Lee Carrell's Haunt Me Still has Kate Stanley agreeing to direct MacBeth. And we all know what happens when the Scottish play is involved. Murder and creepiness abound. So much more exciting than polite conversation and witty reparte. Et tu, Jane.
Oh please--Jane would rip that little mustache right off his face, and then sit down to a game of whist!
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ. Jane would be too polite for such crass behavior whereas Shakespeare would not hesitate to push her into a mud puddle if she tweaked his mustachio. He might even consider it an invitation....