Monday, August 23, 2010

Library Love from Grammar Geeks

This blog post by the Society For The Promotion For Good Grammar warmed the cockles of this librarian's heart. Please read the post entitled, "Hey, Buddy: Your Ignorance Is Showing".

The author makes some very valid points. I could not have written them better myself, so I will just quote a small bit of that splendid post. However, I would be too polite to use the term "Moron". Although I might think it.

"We can't help but notice this disturbing trend in cities across the country in which libraries are being shut down, pecked at, and put on the chopping block to balance community budgets. 

People have no idea how much pleasure they could get and how much money they could save by making the library their first stop in entertainment. Libraries also level the playing field somewhat for the poor.

That is why we say to the creator of this sign, "You are a moron. A MORON. Perhaps if you spent more time in your library you would know there is no apostrophe in 'fees'.""

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The cool thing to say is "moran".


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