This year's grand prize for the Dover Public Library's Teen Summer Reading Program is a wii game console. We (no pun intended) are very excited about this and hope it draws in lots of local teens to the library. Of course, before the planning for the program I had heard of the wii system--who hadn't with the coverage it has received in the media. Anyhow, I still needed help in figuring out what I needed to buy and where (they are still not easy to get your hands on). After figuring out what I needed and tracking one down, I went shopping. Let me tell you, I felt every one of my 15,218 days when I walked into that store--you could say I was like a fish out of water. So for my pain and suffering I want this to be an extremely successful year for the Teen Summer Reading Program. If you are a Dover Public Library teen (going into grades 6 through 12) come in and sign up starting on June 30th, or if you know an eligible teen please let them know. There will also be lots of prizes to be had throughout the program. Call the library for more information 603-516-6082.
that is soooooooo cool!