Due to yesterdays weather, the Climate Change 101 Lecture was cancelled. Fortunately we were able to reschedule it for Monday, April 23, 7pm: “Climate Change 101 and What You Can Do (or How I Lost 20,000 Pounds and You Can Too!)"Our climate is changing are all around us: glaciers and polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, heat waves, extreme storms, or droughts occur more often, and more species are becoming endangered. While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless to do anything, Julia Dundorf and Denise Blaha, program directors of the NH Carbon Challenge at UNH, will supply all the information necessary to make small changes in your household that will substantially reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Learn about the Carbon Challenge and pledge to lose 20,000 pounds (of carbon that is)!
I'm sure you see the irony in this posting! We are all chuckling at the Merrimack Public Library! Hope you didn't get flooded. Nice blog! Check out ours, too!