I picked up a DVD called This Film is Not Yet Rated and almost put it back as the jacket was rather uninspiring. Then I noticed it featured interviews with Kevin Smith, John Waters, and Matt Stone of South Park fame. Well, I thought, this could be funny. Instead, it turned out to be a fascinating expose of how movies in America get rated; a process so secretive that the CIA might want to get some tips from the MPAA. The raters have no professional expertise, receive no training, and have no qualifications other than being a parent. It took surveillance by a private detective to determine who these people were: some were parents of grown children, while another had no kids at all. Filmmakers must submit their movies to these unknown raters, who often return inconsistent results and refuse to point out what the offensive scenes were. It was mind-boggling watching clips from different movies played side by side; one received an NC 17 rating while the other got rated R for almost identical scenes. As more details are revealed about how closely the movie industry is involved with the rating system, it becomes very clear what an unfair, skewed system it is. Kevin Smith was particularly interesting to listen to; who knew Silent Bob was so articulate and intelligent? This DVD is what documentaries strive to be: informative, amusing, outrageous, and perception-changing. One word of warning: this film is not rated, and you might want to make sure the kiddies are out of the room before you watch it!
This movie was definitely one of the better documentaries I've seen in recent years .. I thought hiring the P.I. was a bit too cute, but he certainly made his point that the movie raters are completely out of touch with any version of reality