Friday, October 13, 2017

Booksale begins October 27 for Cardholders; October 28 for General Public

Doors open at 9am on Friday, October 27 for the Friends of the Library’s annual, two-week-long, gigantic fall booksale at the Dover Public Library. Only library cardholders will be able to purchase items on the first day of the sale so be sure to bring your Dover borrower’s card with you on the 27th! The sale opens to non-cardholders and the general public at 9am on Saturday, October 28.
Thousands of paperbacks, hardcover books, and media items for all ages will be available at prices from $.50 to $2.00. Many of the sale items are books donated to the library, while others are items discarded from the library’s collections. Booksale prices will be further reduced on Wednesday, November 1, and during Week #2 of the booksale, November 6-12, the remainder of the items will be sold for the bargain price of just $1.00 per bag or boxful. Any leftover books will be given away for free beginning Monday, November 13.
The library requests that no further book donations be made at this time. Donations will again be accepted after November 19.
All proceeds benefit the Friends of the Library, a 501(c)3 charitable organization which last year donated over $15,000 to the library for museum passes, children’s and adult programs, furnishings and equipment. Applications to join the Friends of the Library are available at the library’s circulation desk.
Membership is $10 annually or $7 for seniors. Friends who work at the booksale receive a 50% discount on purchases.
For more information, please call the Circulation Desk at 603-516-6050.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Final Girls by Riley Sager

 It’s October! So begins the season of falling leaves, all things pumpkin and sweater weather. October also happens to be my favorite month literary-wise. It’s the perfect excuse to curl up under a warm blanket with a book that scares you so much you won’t be able to sleep a wink. October is the one month where my obsession with true crime and serial killers is accepted and doesn’t make me look like a crazed lunatic. It means I can watch as many horror films as I want and – you know what? It’s okay. 

But I’m not here to talk about how October finally makes me look like a normal person. I’m here to share with you a little gem of a book that, if you’re like me, might make you excited for October, too. 

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Final Girls by Riley Sager since I turned the last page. It is everything I could have ever wanted for a Halloween read and if you’re a fan of slasher flicks then you might also get a kick out of this book.

The title of the book gets its name from an “exclusive” club that the main character Quincy and two other girls (Lisa and Sam) are part of. It’s definitely not a club you want to be a member of. All three girls were victims of a mass murderer and were the only ones to come out of it alive. Lisa lost nine sorority sisters after a man wielding a knife came into their home; Sam barely escaped “Sack Man” who attacked the Nightlight Inn during her evening shift; and Quincy lost her friends after a man brutally stabbed them at their cabin getaway in the woods.

Due to their similar experiences, the media dubs these three the “Final Girls”. Years later Lisa, the first Final Girl, has decided to use her experience to helps others and acts as a sort of mentor to the other girls, although they never meet; Sam has gone off the grid and no one knows her whereabouts; and Quincy, the reluctant Final Girl, has moved on to a fairly normal life, which is aided by the fact that Quincy can’t remember much of what happened that night. 

Then one day the peace Quincy finally feels suddenly ends. Lisa has died. The authorities suspect suicide, but Quincy knows better. Sam does, too. Not long after Sam shows up on Quincy’s doorstep in the hopes of solving Lisa’s murder, and getting Quincy to accept her place as a Final Girl.
I can’t tell you how hard this book was to put down. I thought I had a pretty good idea what the plot was going to be when I started this story, but it kept changing into unexpected territories. It’s a tale of not just being a survivor, but also the importance of remembering and coming to terms with the good and evil in your life. Not to mention there are some crazy thrills along the way. 

The ending was so unexpected to me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for like a week after. I finished the last page and then kept repeating over and over again in a zombie-like trance, “Oh my god. What? I can’t. I just can’t.”
 My fiancé then told me it was late and I needed to go to bed, which I tried to do until five minutes later I heard him mumble, “You’re still thinking about it aren’t you?”

Final Girls is that kind of book.

What I particularly like about this story is how it merges the horror and psychological thriller genres. As Quincy starts to remember things we get flashbacks that read like a campy horror film. Yet the rest of the plot is spent exploring her life after that infamous day and how becoming a Final Girl has impacted her life. It’s great if you like a little bit a scare, but also want to be able to sleep at night.

So if you’re like me and really enjoy your horror films and serial killer stories then add Final Girls to your list. It’s the perfect Halloween read you won’t want to miss out on.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Salem Witch Trails program October 17 @ 7pm

     The Friends of the Dover Public Library are pleased to present an intriguing program about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692-93. Through a grant from the New Hampshire Humanities Council, the Friends will welcome Margo Burns to speak about “The Capital Crime of Witchcraft” on Tuesday, October 17 at 7pm in the library’s Lecture Hall.    
     During 1692 and 1693, nineteen people were hanged and one crushed to death in Salem, Massachusetts. Margo will explore the Salem prosecutions from formal complaints to arrest warrants, to indictments and death warrants, and the rescinding of excommunications years after the fact. The witchcraft trials might seem to have been nothing but a free-for-all, fraught with hysterics, but in fact, the documents demonstrate how methodically and logically the Salem Court worked. Margo will also speak about variety of other cases against women in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
      Margo Burns is the Project Manager and Associate Editor of “Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt”, (Cambridge University Press, 2009), the definitive transcriptions of the legal records of the period. Burns has appeared in a film for the National Geographic Channel, has been featured in the film which screens daily at the National Park Service Visitor Center in Salem, and with actor Scott Foley on TLC’s “Who Do You Think You Are?”, recounting the story one of his ancestors who was executed in Salem in 1692..
       Margo is herself is a descendant of Rebecca Nurse, who was also hanged in 1692. This past summer, she spoke at “Salem's Trials: Lessons and Legacy of 1692, A Symposium Commemorating the 325th Anniversary of the Salem Witch Trialsat Salem State University.
      She is a seventh-generation New Hampshire native, with two master’s degrees from UNH. She currently works at St. Paul's School in Concord as the Director of The Language Center.
     This program is free and open to the public. For more information, call the Library at 603-516-6050. Library hours are Monday-Wednesday 9am-8:30pm, Thursday-Friday 9am-5:30pm, Saturdays 9am-5pm and Sundays 1pm-5pm.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Who lived on your street in 1956?

You can find out who lived on your street, or in your house from 1830-1956 by looking at Dover City Directories Online.  The directories are fully key word searchable; you can search by a person’s name, address, street, or business. Find out how many people with your surname lived in Dover in 1840, and what they did for work.
 You can search here at the Library, or at home. You don’t need a password. Just go to the library website, click on the Learning and Research tab, and then choose Dover City Directories.
 It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s loaded with information!