By 1810, ten gundalows were in constant use on the river. Each could carry over 30 tons of cargo and could come up to the landing at half-tide. Over a dozen brickyards were prospering, using the good clay from the riverbanks here and firing their kilns with the 30,000 tons of cordwood that were delivered annually. Small packets also regularly sailed to Portsmouth, Portland, and Boston, although they could only reach Dover Landing at high tide.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Gundalows in Dover
By 1810, ten gundalows were in constant use on the river. Each could carry over 30 tons of cargo and could come up to the landing at half-tide. Over a dozen brickyards were prospering, using the good clay from the riverbanks here and firing their kilns with the 30,000 tons of cordwood that were delivered annually. Small packets also regularly sailed to Portsmouth, Portland, and Boston, although they could only reach Dover Landing at high tide.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New Cochecho Reader Nominees Announced

The Cochecho Readers' Award is sponsored by the Children's Librarians of Dover, New Hampshire. This award, named after the Cochecho River which runs through the heart of Dover, is given each year to an author whose book receives the most votes from third and fourth graders in Dover. The criteria for selection are quality of writing and child appeal. Children are required to read or listen to at least three of the titles on the list in order to vote for their favorite in the Spring.
Go Local--Read Local

When Dara Cohen was little, she was a bright, shiny star. She was the cutest seven-year-old who ever sang Ella Fitzgerald, and it was no wonder she was crowned Little Miss Maine.That was then. Now Dara's seventeen and she's not so little anymore. So not little, that when her classmates find out about her illustrious resume, their jaws drop. That's just one of her many problems. Another is that her control-freak mom won’t get off her case about anything. Yet the one that hurts the most is the family secret: Dara has an older sister her parents tried to erase from their lives. When a disastrously misinterpreted English project lands her in the counselor’s office--and her parents pull her out of school to save face--Dara realizes she has a decision to make. She can keep following the rules and being misunderstood, or she can finally reach out to the sister she’s never met--a sister who lives on a collective goat farm in Massachusetts. Dara chooses B. What follows is a summer of revelations, some heartbreaking, some joyous; of friendship, romance, a local beauty pageant; and choices. And as autumn approaches, Dara finds she may have to let go of everything she's taken for granted in order to figure out who she really is, and what family really means.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Choosing a Book for Its Cover
What do you think? Do you have a favorite cover amongst the winners?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Gone With The Wind
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Slow Down

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Mystery of the Maimed Audiobook
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It's Too Late CT

Little Blog on the Prairie by Cathleen Bell (for ages 12 & up) just arrived at DPL. The story is about Genevieve, a not too happy 13- year-old, who has to spend the entire summer with her family "living like 1890 pioneers" at a frontier camp.
Gen keeps her sanity by secretly text messaging friends (with a cell phone that she sneaked in) about her daily life on this "Little Hell on the Prairie". Her friends then use her messages to start a blog that attracts national attention.
Take heart CT, at least it wasn't about a Zombie!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Is Louisa May Alcott the Next Jane Austen?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Surprising History of the Children's Museum Building
In 1962 the Dover Recreation Department acquired the armory and turned it into Butterfield Gym. In 2008, the renovated building was rented to the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hell Has Frozen Over!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What Do You Do With a Garlic Scape?

Farmers' Markets are officially open! The Dover Market is now located in the Chamber of Commerce parking lot at the corner of Central Ave. & Sixth St. and will be open on Wednesdays from 2:15 to 6:00--be sure to visit them and support your local farmers. You can find a listing of who will be at the market on the Seacoast Growers Association web site. Of course now that you have access to beautiful, local produce how do you prepare it? Visit the library and check out one of our wonderful cookbooks that will inspire you to cook amazing, delicious, and healthy meals. Here are a few examples of what you will find:
- The Garden-Fresh Vegetable Cookbook by Andrea Chesman
- How to Pick a Peach: The Search for Flavor from Farm to Table by Russ Parsons
- Melissa's Great Book of Produce: Everything You Need to Know about Fresh Fruits and Vegetables by Cathy Thomas
- Vegetable Love: Vegetables delicious, alone or with pasta, seafood poultry, meat and more by Barbara Kafka
By the way garlic scapes are the very yummy flower stem of the garlic plant, and I highly recommend them in a stir-fry.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Non-Resident Student Card Fee Being Reduced!

Library Meeting Room Use is Free for Non-Profit Orgs!

When Stephen King Talks, People Listen
Friday, June 11, 2010
Summer Reading Programs Just Around the Corner

“Make a Splash…Read” is the theme for this year’s Children’s Summer Reading Program. This five-week reading adventure is for children ages 5-12 and will begin on Tuesday, July 6 and continue through Tuesday, August 10. The program is designed to encourage children to make reading an enjoyable part of their summer activities.
Sign-ups begin on Tuesday, July 6 and continue throughout the summer for Dover Public Library cardholders (including non-resident borrowers). Children must come to the library in person to register and to receive their personal booklet or reading log in which to record the books/minutes they read. All participants will also receive a book bag, a bookmark, and a voucher for a free ticket to a Portland Seadogs baseball game!
During the summer program, children are invited to make a new craft each week at our “Make-it, Take-it” Craft Table. The table will be available for creating projects all day, every day during the five weeks. Children will bring in their booklets or reading logs (after recording books/minutes read) to earn stickers and prizes.
The library’s Monday Matinees will feature free first-run movies in the Lecture Hall every Monday afternoon at 2pm beginning on July 12. Here is the line-up:
· The Lightning Thief, July 12, rated PG.
· Garfield’s Pet Force, July 19, not rated.
· Space Buddies, July 26, rated G.
· Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie, Aug. 2, rated PG.
· Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Aug. 9, rated PG.
Everyone is welcome! Feel free to bring your own refreshments!
Participants are also invited to sign up for a “Paws for Reading” session. Goldie, a Certified Therapy Dog, and her handler, Karen, will be in the Children’s Room on Saturday, July 10 from 10:30-11:30am, Tuesday, July 20 from 6:30-7:30pm, and Saturday, August 7 from 10:30-11:30am. Goldie loves a good story but needs someone to read it to her! If interested in helping Goldie and practicing reading aloud, sign up for a 15 minute reading session during one of these times (and don’t forget to cross off 15 minutes on your reading log or record the book you’ve read to Goldie in your reading folder!).
You choose what to read—novels, magazines, graphic novels, comic books, nonfiction—whatever you might enjoy.
Middle school readers are eligible participate in both the Children’s Program and the Teen Program. Drop by the library’s reference desk to sign up for the “Make Waves” Teen Program, visit online at, or call 516-6082. Come in person to the Children’s Room to sign up for “Make a Splash…Read” or call 516-6052. Don’t miss all the fun! Plus, it’s a proven fact: kids who keep reading over the summer do better in school in the fall!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
More Twilight

Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced in Eclipse, and the darker side of the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Skip the Hummus

Friday, June 04, 2010
Wild Visitors to the Library
We also had a not so handsome visitor the other day. Our custodian found a small brown bat had become trapped in the building. He was escorted outside.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Women in their own Words
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Summer Monday Movie Matinees

We will be showing movies this summer during the 5 weeks of our summer reading programs. As always these movies are free and open to the public. Here is the line-up:
- Lightning Thief--Monday, July 12 @ 2:00pm, rated PG.
- Garfield's Pet Force--Monday, July 19 @ 2:00pm, not rated.
- Space Buddies--Monday, July 26 @ 2:00pm, rated G.
- Spongebob Squarepants: the Movie--Monday, August 2 @ 2:00pm, rated PG.
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid--Monday, August 9 @ 2:00pm, rated PG.
For descriptions of the movies visit our web site.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Is This Book for Real?

Gen's family is more comfortable spending time apart than together. Then Gen's mom signs them up for Camp Frontier—a vacation that promises the "thrill" of living like 1890s pioneers. Forced to give up all of her modern possessions, Gen nevertheless manages to email her friends back home about life at "Little Hell on the Prairie," as she's renamed the camp. It turns out frontier life isn't without its good points—like the cute boy who lives in the next clearing. And when her friends turn her emails into a blog, Gen is happily surprised by the fanbase that springs up. But just when it seems Gen and family might pull through the summer, disaster strikes as a TV crew descends on the camp, intent on discovering the girl behind the nationwide blogging sensation—and perhaps ruining the best vacation Gen has ever had.