Tuesday, June 30, 2009
System Upgrade Update

Friday, June 26, 2009
Beat the Doldrums @ Your Library

School is over, the nice weather is finally here, and the kids are already complaining about being bored! There have been teens wandering through the Teen Loft book stacks, but they don't know what to read. Well we have taken the guess work out of finding a good book to read. There are 38 (yes 38!) suggested reading bookmarks available, in the Teen Loft, with suggestions for:
**If you liked Twilight, Gossip Girls, or Cirque du Freak.
**Sports, etc.
There also suggested reading bookmarks available for younger kids and adults. If all those fail just ask a staff member for help.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife Comes to the Silver Screen
Many readers were captivated by the story of "Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap". The movie trailer has just been released and it looks as involving as the novel it was developed from.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Best 100 Picture Books Poll

There are links at the bottom of the page to lead you to the number 2 book, number 3 etc.
What do you think of the choices? Did they miss your favorite picture book, or put it too low on the list?
New Cochecho Readers' Award Nominees

The new list of nominees for the Cochecho Readers' Award is ready-- just in time for summer reading!
The Cochecho Readers' Award is sponsored by the Children's Librarians of Dover, New Hampshire. The award is named after the Cochecho River which runs through the heart of Dover. This award is given each year to an author whose book receives the most votes from third and fourth graders in Dover. We have chosen 20 titles published within the last three years. The criteria for selection are quality of writing and child appeal. Children are required to read or listen to at least three of the titles on the list in order to vote. The voting will take place in the school libraries in the Spring.
The Cochecho Readers' Award is sponsored by the Children's Librarians of Dover, New Hampshire. The award is named after the Cochecho River which runs through the heart of Dover. This award is given each year to an author whose book receives the most votes from third and fourth graders in Dover. We have chosen 20 titles published within the last three years. The criteria for selection are quality of writing and child appeal. Children are required to read or listen to at least three of the titles on the list in order to vote. The voting will take place in the school libraries in the Spring.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Your Library Card is Essential Next Week

The Library’s CIRCULATION SYSTEM & ONLINE CATALOG will be DOWN Tuesday & Wednesday June 30 & July 1 for server replacement and program upgrades. You MUST SHOW A DOVER LIBRARY CARD to have any materials checked out during this time.
We will be unable to:
**Look up your barcode
**Check in returned items (no fines for these 2 days)
**Place holds
**Search the Library Catalog
**Register new patrons
**Collect fine payments
The LIBRARY CATALOG will also be unavailable on our website.
Monday, June 22, 2009
We Must All Be Rain Gods

It wasn't that he was naturally predisposed to be so surly, at least he hoped not. It was just the rain which got him down, always the rain.
It was raining now, just for a change.
It was a particular type of rain he particularly disliked, particularly when he was driving. He had a number for it. It was rain type 17.
He had read somewhere that the Eskimos had over two hundred different words for snow, without which their conversation would probably have got very monotonous. So they would distinguish between thin snow and thick snow, light snow and heavy snow, sludgy snow, brittle snow, snow that came in flurries, snow that came in drifts, snow that came in on the bottom of your neighbour's boots all over your nice clean igloo floor, the snows of winter, the snows of spring, the snows you remember from your childhood that were so much better than any of your modern snow, fine snow, feathery snow, hill snow, valley snow, snow that falls in the morning, snow that falls at night, snow that falls all of a sudden just when you were going out fishing, and snow that despite all your efforts to train them, the huskies have pissed on.
Rob McKeena had two hundred and thirty-one different types of rain entered in his little book, and he didn't like any of them.
He shifted down another gear and the lorry heaved its revs up. It grumbled in a comfortable sort of way about all the Danish thermostatic radiator controls it was carrying.
Since he had left Denmark the previous afternoon, he had been through types 33 (light pricking drizzle which made the roads slippery), 39 ( heavy spotting), 47 to 51 (vertical light drizzle through to sharply slanting light to moderate drizzle freshening), 87 and 88 (two finely distinguished varieties of vertical torrential downpour), 100 (post-downpour squalling, cold), all the seastorm types between 192 and 213 at once, 123, 124, 126, 127 (mild and intermediate cold gusting, regular and syncopated cab-drumming), 11 (breezy droplets), and now his least favourite of all, 17.
Rain type 17 was a dirty blatter battering against his windscreen so hard that it didn't make much odds whether he had his wipers on or off.
He tested this theory by turning them off briefly, but as it turned out the visibility did get quite a lot worse. It just failed to get better again when he turned them back on.
In fact one of the wiper blades began to flap off.
Swish swish swish flop swish flop swish swish flop swish flop swish flop flop flop scrape.
He pounded his steering wheel, kicked the floor, thumped his cassette player till it suddenly started playing Barry Manilow, thumped it again till it stopped, and swore and swore and swore and swore and swore.
It was at the very moment that his fury was peaking that there loomed swimmingly in his headlights, hardly visible through the blatter, a figure by the roadside.
A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.
"Poor miserable sod," thought Rob McKeena to himself, realizing that here was somebody with a better right to feel hard done by than himself, "must be chilled to the bone. Stupid to be out hitching on a filthy night like this. All you get is cold, wet, and lorries driving through puddles at you."
He shook his head grimly, heaved another sigh, gave the wheel a turn and hit a large sheet of water square on.
"See what I mean?" he thought to himself as he ploughed swiftly through it. "You get some right bastards on the road."
Splattered in his rear mirror a couple of seconds later was the reflection of the hitch-hiker, drenched by the roadside.
For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night.
At least it made up for having been finally overtaken by that Porsche he had been diligently blocking for the last twenty miles.
It was a particular type of rain he particularly disliked, particularly when he was driving. He had a number for it. It was rain type 17.
He had read somewhere that the Eskimos had over two hundred different words for snow, without which their conversation would probably have got very monotonous. So they would distinguish between thin snow and thick snow, light snow and heavy snow, sludgy snow, brittle snow, snow that came in flurries, snow that came in drifts, snow that came in on the bottom of your neighbour's boots all over your nice clean igloo floor, the snows of winter, the snows of spring, the snows you remember from your childhood that were so much better than any of your modern snow, fine snow, feathery snow, hill snow, valley snow, snow that falls in the morning, snow that falls at night, snow that falls all of a sudden just when you were going out fishing, and snow that despite all your efforts to train them, the huskies have pissed on.
Rob McKeena had two hundred and thirty-one different types of rain entered in his little book, and he didn't like any of them.
He shifted down another gear and the lorry heaved its revs up. It grumbled in a comfortable sort of way about all the Danish thermostatic radiator controls it was carrying.
Since he had left Denmark the previous afternoon, he had been through types 33 (light pricking drizzle which made the roads slippery), 39 ( heavy spotting), 47 to 51 (vertical light drizzle through to sharply slanting light to moderate drizzle freshening), 87 and 88 (two finely distinguished varieties of vertical torrential downpour), 100 (post-downpour squalling, cold), all the seastorm types between 192 and 213 at once, 123, 124, 126, 127 (mild and intermediate cold gusting, regular and syncopated cab-drumming), 11 (breezy droplets), and now his least favourite of all, 17.
Rain type 17 was a dirty blatter battering against his windscreen so hard that it didn't make much odds whether he had his wipers on or off.
He tested this theory by turning them off briefly, but as it turned out the visibility did get quite a lot worse. It just failed to get better again when he turned them back on.
In fact one of the wiper blades began to flap off.
Swish swish swish flop swish flop swish swish flop swish flop swish flop flop flop scrape.
He pounded his steering wheel, kicked the floor, thumped his cassette player till it suddenly started playing Barry Manilow, thumped it again till it stopped, and swore and swore and swore and swore and swore.
It was at the very moment that his fury was peaking that there loomed swimmingly in his headlights, hardly visible through the blatter, a figure by the roadside.
A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.
"Poor miserable sod," thought Rob McKeena to himself, realizing that here was somebody with a better right to feel hard done by than himself, "must be chilled to the bone. Stupid to be out hitching on a filthy night like this. All you get is cold, wet, and lorries driving through puddles at you."
He shook his head grimly, heaved another sigh, gave the wheel a turn and hit a large sheet of water square on.
"See what I mean?" he thought to himself as he ploughed swiftly through it. "You get some right bastards on the road."
Splattered in his rear mirror a couple of seconds later was the reflection of the hitch-hiker, drenched by the roadside.
For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night.
At least it made up for having been finally overtaken by that Porsche he had been diligently blocking for the last twenty miles.
And as he drove on, the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him, for, though he did not know it, Rob McKeena was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him, and to water him.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Libraries Lend a Helping Hand
The Today Show did an interesting segment on how the recession is impacting libraries. They talked to a Maryland Public Library director and the President of the New York Public Library. They are seeing the same things we have experienced in Dover: smaller budgets and increased demand. People are lined up for Internet computers, they need help with resumes, families are coming here for free entertainment, whether it is a library program, story hour, or DVDs and CDs. Overall usage has sky-rocketed. Watch this short video segment and see what libraries across America are experiencing.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Go Green @ Your Library

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Listening With Teens
Monday, June 15, 2009
100 Essential New England Books

The Boston Globe has compiled a list of their picks of the 100 best books with a New England tie. The New England tie can include the author residing in New England, the book taking place in New England, or the more tenuous link, in my opinion, of the author having attended a New England college or university. Regardless, the list is fun to look at. You can sort the list by author, title, or most read. If you sort by most read #1 is Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey and #2 is Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Listen Up!
June is National Audiobook Month. You can celebrate by downloading some of these new audiobooks.New WMA Titles
Title | Author |
About Face | Leon, Donna |
Angels in the Gloom | Perry, Anne |
At Last Comes Love | Balogh, Mary |
At Some Disputed Barricade | Perry, Anne |
Bloodhound | Pierce, Tamora |
Brazen Careerist | Trunk, Penelope |
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends | Guarnere, William "Wild Bill" |
Bury the Lead | Rosenfelt, David |
Carpe Diem | Mount, Harry |
Cemetary Dance | Preston, Douglas |
Columbine | Cullen, Dave |
Dark Places | Flynn, Gillian |
Darling Jim | Moerk, Christian |
Dead Sleep | Iles, Greg |
Deadlock | Johansen, Iris |
Discordia | Salmon, Dena K. |
Down River | Hart, John |
Eat the Dark | Schreiber, Joe |
Ecological Intelligence | Goleman, Daniel |
Encore | Freedman, Marc |
Eon | Goodman, Alison |
Etta | Kolpan, Gerald |
Factory Girls | Chang, Leslie T. |
First Family | Baldacci, David |
Hannahs Dream | Hammond, Diane |
Horse Soldiers | Stanton, Doug |
House of Cards | Author |
How To Handle The Toughest Job Interview Questions You'll Ever Get | Portney, David R. |
Hungry Girl: The Official Survival Guides | Lillien, Lisa |
Hunting Season | Deutermann, P. T. |
If I Stay | Forman, Gayle |
Impossible | Werlin, Nancy |
Little Bee | Cleave, Chris |
Loitering With Intent | Woods, Stuart |
Look Again | Scottoline, Lisa |
Lords of Finance | Ahamed, Liaquat |
Malice | Jackson, Lisa |
Neil Armstrong is My Uncle & Other Lies Muscle Man McGinty Told Me | Marino, Nan |
No Graves As Yet | Perry, Anne |
Nudge | Thaler, Richard |
Outcast | Allston, Aaron |
Prayers for Sale | Dallas, Sandra |
Private Scandals | Roberts, Nora |
Rapt | Gallagher, Winifred |
Red Glass | Resau, Laura |
Resilience | Edwards, Elizabeth |
Rogue Forces | Brown, Dale |
Sag Harbor | Whitehead, Colson |
Sarek | Crispin, A. C. |
Science Fair | Barry, Dave |
Shoulder the Sky | Perry, Anne |
Skinned | Wasserman, Robin |
Soul Enchilada | Gill, David Macinnis |
Sudden Death | Rosenfelt, David |
The 19th Wife | Ebershoff, David |
The 8th Confession | Patterson, James |
The Age of the Unthinkable | Ramo, Joshua |
The Art of Woo | Shell, G. Richard |
The Highest Tide | Lynch, Jim |
The Lake House | Patterson, James |
The Last Book in the Universe | Philbrick, Rodman |
The Last Olympian | Riordan, Rick |
The Moonpool | Deutermann, P. T. |
The Perfect Poison | Quick, Amanda |
The Poet | Connelly, Michael |
The Reformed Vampire Support Group | Jinks, Catherine |
The Richest Man in Babylon | Clason, George S. |
The Soldiers of Halla | MacHale, D. J. |
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie | Bradley, Alan |
The Unforgiving Minute | Mullaney, Craig M. |
The Widow Clicquot | Mazzeo, Tilar J. |
Touch the Dark | Chance, Karen |
Uranium | Zoellner, Tom |
Vision in White | Roberts, Nora |
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down | Markoe, Merrill |
Wesley the Owl | O'Brien, Stacey |
What Happened to Anna K. | Reyn, Irina |
Who | Smart, Geoff |
Zero Option | Deutermann, P. T. |
Monday, June 08, 2009
A New Look at Wild Things
This blog has a fascinating look at how Where the Wild Things Are would look had it been illustrated by a different artist. Personally, I love Maurice Sendak's illustrations, in all of his books, so I think it is almost impossible to improve upon them. However, a few artists have at least equaled the master, as you can see below. What do you think; do you like the originals best or the paintings inspired by this childho
od classic?

Thursday, June 04, 2009
These Books Are Delicious
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
And The Winner Is....
If you want to know what the winners of the other Audie catagories are, click here. You will find a review, and can even listen to a sample of the audiobook! The Library owns many of the Audie Award winners so you are in for a summer of great listening.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Summer Reading

Make sure your child doesn't lose ground over the summer; you can enroll him or her in the Children's Room Summer Reading program, or the Teen Reading Program, both of which start July 6th. Don't neglect your own summer reading, grab some recommended reads bookmarks, or ask us what we have enjoyed reading lately.
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