Thursday, December 31, 2009
Books on My iPod

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our Very Own Best of 2009 List
Librarians’ Choice 2009
Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan C. Bradley
Honolulu by Alan Brennert
Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Lovers by John Connelly
Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
South of Broad by Pat Conroy
Bodies Left Behind by Jeffrey Deaver
Never Tell a Lie by Hallie Ephron
One Second After by William Forstchen
The Burying Place by Brian Freeman
The Neighbor by Lisa Gardner
The Night Villa by Carol Goodman
East of the Sun by Julia Gregson
The Wrong Mother by Sophie Hannah
The Séance by John Harwood
The Risk of Darkness by Susan Hill
Trust No One by Gregg Hurwitz
Garlands of Gold by Rosalind Laker
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
Revenge of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
A Proper Education for Girls by Elaine di Rollo
Old City Hall by Robert Rotenberg
That Old Cape Magic by Richard Russo
Rough Country by John Sandford
Shanghai Girls by Lisa See
Cooking Dirty by Jason Sheehan
Grace Hammer by Sara Stockbridge
The Leper by Steve Thayer
Stopover in Venice by Kathryn Walker
Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
The House on Tradd Street by Karen White
The Second Time around by Marcia Willett
My Life in Ruins DVD
Changeling DVD
Michael Clayton DVD
Appaloosa DVD
State of Play DVD
Children’s Books
Escape Under the Forever Sky by Eve Yohalem
The Blue Shoe: a tale of thievery, villainy, sorcery and shoes by Rod Townley
My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald
The Roar by Emma Clayton
Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise
Family Reminders by Julie Danneberg
Flight of the Phoenix by R.L. LaFevers
Ghosts in the House! by Kazuno Kohara
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Did You Spend Too Much Money Over the Holidays?

Monday, December 28, 2009
Carpeting Again! And New Storytime Sessions!

Sign-up begins at 9am for the Monday (1:30pm), Monday Bedtime (7pm), and Tuesday (9:30am) groups for 3-6 year olds. Phone call registration (516-6052) begins at 9:15am. These 45-minute preschool programs (attended by the children only) include stories, finger plays, songs and puppets. A themed craft or film is also offered during each weekly session. Sign-up begins at 6pm on January 4 for the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Toddler groups (9:30am) for 2 year-olds. Phone call registration (516-6052) begins at 6:15pm. Toddler programs (attended by the child plus their parent or care-giver) include stories, finger plays and songs specially selected for the developmental level of 2 year-olds. Although the Children’s Room will be closed on January 4th & 5th for carpeting adjustments, Story Time sign-ups will still take place in person and by phone. For more information, please call the Children’s Room.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays to All
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Cliquetionary is Here, The Cliquetionary is Here!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ladybug Picture Book Award Results

And the winner is...Waking Beauty by Leah Wilcox (receiving 3,467votes!).
This award, designed to promote early literacy and honor the best in recent children's picture books, is a project of the Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library. Click here to see the complete voting results.
Nearly Half a Century at the Top of Her Game

Monday, December 21, 2009
City Hall Burns Down
One of the exciting finds in the photo album that was donated to us this month was several never before seen photos of the 1933 fire. Take a look.
Friday, December 18, 2009
New Use for Your iPhone

Has anyone else heard of this being done?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
An Author Does Good
As the Bangor Daily News reports,
"Stephen and Tabitha King had no problem donating money to ensure that the 150 members of Bravo Company of the 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Unit could come home for the holidays.
They did have a slight problem with the requested amount, though.
“Steve is such a numbers person,” said Julie Eugley, one of the author’s personal assistants. “When we were approached for $13,000, he thought that number was a little unlucky. He didn’t want any bad whammies associated with these troops.”
Way to go, Mr. and Mrs. King.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Books Into Movies

Ø Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation by John Carlin is now the film "Invictus" with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.
Ø The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis is the Sandra Bullock dramatization of right tackle Michael Oher’s football career and upbringing.
Ø Up in the Air is a 2001 novel by Walter Kirn and opening soon is the highly-touted film of the same name starring George Clooney.
Ø Alice Seybold’s haunting novel, The Lovely Bones, is due out mid-January and will star Saoirse Ronan as the 14-year old murder victim.
Ø Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s picture book, Where the Wild Things Are, was released in theatres to critical acclaim in October.
Ø Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs is a hilarious and popular children’s book by Judi Barrett and now an entertaining new animated film.
Ø The Fantastic Mr. Fox, also featuring George Clooney (as a voice), is getting rave reviews as an animated movie based on the Roald Dahl children’s favorite.
Ø Push by Sapphire has been reinvented as the movie "Precious", a 4-star film starring talented newcomer Gabourey Sidibe and Mariah Carey as you’ve never seen her.
Ø And watch for Dennis Lehane’s Boston-based Shutter Island, debuting mid-February starring Leo DiCaprio.
Last Minute Holiday Shopping

Monday, December 14, 2009
You Learn Something New Every Day

Friday, December 11, 2009
Kill A Watt Energy Detectors

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Funny NYT Article: 10 Strangest Book Titles
- The Bible Cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Jewish Chess Masters on Stamps
- How You Can Bowl Better Using Self-Hypnosis
The book covers pictured on the site are also hilarious. Be sure to look at the cover of "Dead Pet": this has to be a joke!
Judging A Book

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
That Silly Tiger

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Hidden Talents
Monday, December 07, 2009
Damned by Faint Praise

Don't you just want to run out and read it now?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
You Could Win a Twilight Basket
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Ho, Ho, Ho

All of our movies are free and open to the public. Click here to view a complete list of movies we will be showing.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Friends of the Library Christmas Booksale!

A large selection of holiday-themed books will be available, priced from $1.00 to $3.00, and includes Christmas stories, decorating ideas and cookbooks. A varied assortment of Christmas music and carols on CD will also be for sale at just $1.00 each.
In addition, sturdy canvas “Dover Public Library” bookbags, Dover notecards, and 1888 reprint Dover maps are available and would make great gifts or stocking stuffers.
The Friends of the Dover Public Library always welcome new members to join their organization ($10 annually; or $7 for seniors). The group’s next meeting is Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 1pm in the Library Lecture Hall.
Cormac McCarthy's Typewriter Up for Auction

Monday, November 30, 2009
Last Chance to Check Out Children's Books
The Children's Room is preparing to close for their new carpeting. There are still some Children's materials available for check out today. Bluebeary looks very sad that he won't be having any visitors tomorrow but the Children's librarians are hoping they will be able to open again Thursday afternoon. Please call before you come visit if you are planning on coming in Thursday!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
National Book Award Winners Announced!

Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy by Keith Waldrop
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Phillip Hoose
What's Happening?
The Children's Room will be closed for a couple of days during the week of November 30th while the movers and carpet installers are here.
Remember, you can help us out by borrowing 10 books (or more) before the move (the less we have to pack, the better!).
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I am NOT making this up!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Strange Goings On in the Library
Don't Miss Our Free Saturday Matinee!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Fiction Twice-Removed

Amazon's Hot Seller---the Kindle

The Carpeting Project Has Commenced
Friday, November 13, 2009
We Need You! Please borrow 10 children's books!

Library staff are asking for approximately 2,000 cardholders to visit the Children’s Room and checkout ten (or more if you wish!) books before Thanksgiving. If this can happen, we won’t have to pack, box and store all the books! In return, the books checked out will not be due for one month and there will be no fines on any Children’s Room items becoming overdue in December.
The Dover Public Library has over 26,000 cardholders; so if just 10% of our borrowers can help us out by taking 10 books home, we’ll have no books to pack, no boxes to lift, and can provide you with an ample supply of children’s books for your family to read at leisure. Please call the Children’s Room, 516-6052, for more information, and thanks for your help!
Things Librarians Think Are Cool
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday Matinee

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Where Have All the Books gone?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Acupuncture Lecture at the Library

Alice Meattey is an acupuncturist, nationally certified and licensed in both New Hampshire and Maine. She is a graduate of The City College of New York and a 1991 graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture in Newton, Massachusetts. Alice was the chairperson of a group that worked to license acupuncturists in New Hampshire, and she has been a member of the New Hampshire Board of Acupuncture Licensing since 1997. She lives in Dover with her long-haired dachshund, Rudy.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Attention Dog-Lovers
Fans of James Herriot may enjoy Bruce Coston's Ask the Animals. The book covers his years at veterinary school and cases from his practices in Pennsylvania and Virginia. The story of dogs, cats, and their owners are amusing and touching.
Dogtown, a no kill shelter in Utah famous enough to have its own popular television show on the National Geographic channel, now also has a book written about it. Dogtown: tales of rescue, rehabilitation and redemption by Stefan Bechtel highlights some of the desperate, touching cases that have come through their doors. Victims of pet hoarders, war, Katrina, and cruelty all find a loving home at Dogtown. Knightly, the grieving Weimaraner who lost his home and his family when his elderly owners couldn't care for him anymore is a story that you won't soon forget.
I enjoyed all three books, but especially Big Little Life. Trixie is a memorable character, and the depth of the love she and Dean shared is evident in every word. He also captures the charming goofiness that highlights life in any household that has a Golden Retriever in it. I highly recommend listening to this on CD, Dean Koontz narrates which adds an extra dimension.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Rob Pattinson on a Stick

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Best Books of 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Looking for Some Good Historical Fiction?
Grace's easy life is threatened by the hulking, violent Mr. Blunt, from whom she had stolen a large ruby necklace at the beginning of her career. Will she be betrayed or saved by her vast circle of friends and acquaintances amongst the prostitutes, thieves, fences, and drunkards that inhabit the squalor of London in 1888. The many twists and turns through atmospheric 19th century England make it a very interesting journey to find the answer.
Monday, November 02, 2009

...furniture, books, computers!
The library is getting new carpeting beginning mid-November and we need you to help us clear out.
This project may possibly last through mid-December and will inevitably cause some interruptions to our services and some inconvenience to you when some sections of the library are closed. Therefore we will be extending our borrowing periods for various materials in the library as they become inaccessible: we want you to hold on to them as long as possible so we don't have to pack and move them. So that you won't incur fines during the disruptions we will also charge no fines for items from the adult collections from November 16 -28, and no fines for items from the children's section for the month of December. While the Children's Room is being carpeted it will be closed for a few days.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Remembering Wax Candy

"Perhaps nothing says more about the modest range of pleasures of the age than that the most popular candies of my childhood were made of wax. You could choose among wax teeth, wax pop bottles, wax barrels, and wax skulls, each filled with a small amount of colored liquid that tasted very much like a small dose of cough syrup. You swallowed this with interest if not exactly gratification then chewed the wax for the next ten or eleven hours. Now you might think there is something wrong with your concept of pleasure when you find yourself paying real money to chew colorless wax, and you would be right of course. But we did it and enjoyed it because we knew no better. and there was, it must be said, something good, something healthily restrained, about eating a product that had neither flavor or nutritive value."