Remember when you used to get your tax forms in the mail? Or you could pick them up at the bank, post office, library? Ah, those were the days. In the government's effort to reduce paper they are mailing fewer forms to individuals, hoping to coax you into doing your taxes online. If the thought of filling out those forms electronically has you in a panic--have no fear, the library is here. We have all the "major" forms and booklets available for your convenience, and can access more obscure forms online.
The Library will also be hosting the AARP volunteers who provide free tax help. The focus is on those in the low and middle income brackets, with special attention to those 60 and older. This free help is available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings from 9am to noon. The volunteers will be here starting February 1st through April 14th. This is a popular service so expect a wait! Call the library at 516-6050 for more information.