Mon., Dec. 31 9am to 4pm
Tues., Jan. 1 Closed
Happy New Year to you all!
Catherine MacDonald is living a quiet life in 1820’s
This novel started off a little slowly, but it is well worth reading through the first few chapters to get to the exotic adventures that fill the rest of the book.
I must read 10,000 book reviews over the course of a year. Why I keep lists of some things baffles even me, but here are my Favorite Funny Titles from 2007. Most are fiction (with the majority being 'punny' mysteries), but there are a few non-fiction titles mixed in as well.
Duplicity Dogged the Dachshund by Blaize Clement (the 2nd Dixie Hemingway, petsitter, mystery)
Edward Trencom’s Nose: a novel of history, dark intrigue and cheese by Giles Milton (comic thriller set in a London cheese emporium)
Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him by Danielle Ganek (the NY art world as seen by a Soho gallerista)
Even June Cleaver Would Forget the Juice Box: cut yourself some slack and still raise great kids by Ann Dunnewold
An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England by Brock Clarke (the Emily Dickinson homestead fire was an accident, he swears)
Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair: the true misadventures of a 30-something who learned to knit after he split by Laurie Beasley Perry
If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start with Your Legs: a guide to understanding men by Big Boom (why would you trust the advice of an author named Big Boom?)
The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming by Lemony Snicket (great Christmas/Hanukkah story for ages 4-8)
I Am America (and So Can You) by Stephen Colbert (the host of The Colbert Report) ... we also have this on audio CD
The Da Da De Da Da Code by Robert Rankin (promises to leave Dan Brown fans “breathless”!)
Here Lies the Librarian by Richard Peck (hey, this title isn’t funny…who put this on the list?)
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson (for teenagers)
Boobs: a guide to your girls by Elisabeth Squires (yes, it’s about breast health)
The Alphabet from A to Y, with Bonus Letter Z! by Steve Martin & Roz Chast (Martin’s other bestseller is Born Standing Up...also on audio CD)
The Barnacle Barb and her Pirate Crew series by Nadia Higgins which includes such titles as Pegleg Gets Stumped, Aye, my Eye!, Blimey, that’s Slimy, Walk the Plank, Plankton and Break a Sea-Leg, Shrimp Breath
Hell Hath No Curry by Tamar Myers (a Penn. Dutch mystery with recipes)... 10 other very funny titles available too!
Right From the Gecko by Cynthia Baxter (sequel to Who’s Kitten Who?)
Kilt Dead by Kaitlyn Dunnett (a Scottish dancer sleuths)
Claws and Effect by Rita Mae Brown (the 9th Mrs. Murphy cat mystery)
Died in the Wool by Rett MacPherson (mystery at a textile factory)
Cries and Whiskers by Clea Simon (the 3rd Theda Krakow Boston-based mystery, following Cattery Row)
Antiques Maul by Barbara Allen (see also her Antiques Roadkill)
Trick My Truck But Don’t Mess with My Heart by LuAnn McLane (author of Dark Roots & Cowboy Boots...you get the idea)
Please feel free to add to this list!!!
We were surprised to see one of our patrons twice in the same day. She explained that we had called her cell phone to tell her that a book had come in for her. Since she was in the Library at the time and did not want to violate our cell phone policy, she did not answer her cell phone! Now that’s a good Do Bee.
If you have seen the scenes from the movie The Golden Compass, you may have wondered about the Polar Bears, Monkeys, and Tigers called Daemons. They are not animals, pets, or demons. Daemons are the soul of a human in animal form. Who you are is reflected in the type of animal that appears as your Daemon. At the official website of The Golden Compass movie you can get your very own daemon by answering a short 20-question quiz. Just click on the Daemons tab, then choose "Meet Your Daemon". I am matched with a handsome lion. What kind of Daemon do you have?
If you love the movie, make sure to read the rest of the Dark Materials trilogy.
Now I confess that, other than the Harry Potter series, I haven't read any of these specific titles. But my views on the subject are simple. If you object to the material, don't read it. Remember that other people will want to read it, even if you don't. Keep an eye on what your children are reading and if you don't think it's appropriate for their age or maturity levels, feel free to ban it from your household. But your values may not be my values; your "objection threshholds" may be higher than mine. Every person must make the decision for himself or herself or their own family. That's why it's called The Freedom to Read!
Title | Author |
Amazing Grace | Steel, Danielle |
Born in Death | Robb, J.D. |
I Am America And So Can You | Colbert, Stephen |
Skipping Christmas | Grisham, John |
Blood Memory | Iles, Greg |
| Muller, Marcia |
The Ever-Running Man | Muller, Marcia |
From the Corner of His Eye | Koontz, Dean |
I Am Legend and Other Stories | Matheson, Richard |
Neverwhere | Gaiman, Neil |
The Sea | Banville, John |
"T" is For Trespass | Grafton, Sue |
The Abstinence Teacher | Perrotta, Tom |
Blood Brothers | Roberts, Nora |
A Christmas Beginning | Perry, Anne |
Classic Crime Short Stories | Rendell, Ruth |
Confessor | Goodkind, Terry |
Evil Genius | Jinks, Catherine |
A Free Life | Jin, Ha |
The Highlander's Touch | Moning, Karen Marie |
"J" Is For Judgment | Grafton, Sue |
Noble Lies | Benoit, Charles |
Rhett Butler's People | McCaig, Donald |
A Single Shard | Park, Linda Sue |
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms | Tsukiyama, Gail |
The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox | O'Farrell, Maggie |
Winter Moon | Koontz, Dean |
Birds Eye View of
Notepaper featuring five historic scenes of
Factory on Fire! Cocheco Mill Blaze of 1907 Revealed DVD. $20.00
The Great Blaze: A Look Back at
Come on in and see what else we have to offer!
It's Christmas time once again and Scott Calvin juggles a full house of
family and the mischievous Jack Frost, who is trying to take over the "big
guy's" holiday. At the risk of giving away the secret location of the North
Pole, Scott invites his in-laws to share in the holiday festivities, and
upcoming birth of baby Claus with expectant wife, Carol. Along for the
adventure are Scott's extended family, son Charlie, ex-wife Laura Miller,
her husband, Neil Miller and their daughter, Lucy who, together with head
elf Curtis, foil Jack Frost's crafty scheme to control the North Pole.
I can’t believe I read the whole thing in one night. I have been in a slump lately; no books or audiobooks have thrilled me. Many were tossed aside after a few lackluster chapters. Cormac: The Tale of a Dog Gone Missing was a book I could not put down. Cormac is a personable Golden Retriever who rarely leaves his owner’s side. They go to work together, they hang out at home together, their bond is deep. Sonny, the author, leaves Cormac with a friend while he goes off on a book tour. The nightmare begins when he gets a phone call telling him that Cormac has disappeared. Neighbors thought they had seen him in the back of a strange red pickup truck. The pound does not have him, shelters and vets have not seen him either. The breakthrough finally comes when a young girl admits Cormac was left at the pound. The director stonewalls until lawyers are brought in and then admits that Cormac was given to a Golden Retriever Rescue in another part of the country. The chase is on to find him before he vanishes forever.
The author does a splendid job building the tension in this true life story as well as bringing Cormac with all his eccentricities to life. A treat for any dog lover.
Click on the answer that best defines the word. If you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word. For each word you get right, Free Rice will donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. Its lots of fun; words range form easy to unusual. Do you know what caprine and scintillation mean? If you do, don’t be supercilious, be insuperable and help make an oblation of rice!
This weekend I experienced science fiction transformed into reality. I saw Butterscotch; a toy horse that whinnies, swishes his tail, blinks, and moves in response to the touch of your hand. It reminded me of Ray Bradbury stories where the toys becomes a little too sophisticated for the good of their human owners. Every where I went huge plasma screen TVs were on sale, reminding me of another Ray Bradbury story. In “The Pedestrian” a man is arrested by police for his unusual behavior. He is out walking, enjoying the night air while everyone else sits in their living rooms, illuminated by the ghostly blue flicker from huge TV screens hanging on the walls. Ray Bradbury was particularly prescient with the story he titled “The Murderer”. His portrait of a world of constant background noise from radios, TVs, and wrist radios much like the modern cell phone, was written in 1953! The Murderer is sent to a mental institution because he began gleefully destroying all the noise making machines after realizing, “The telephones such a convenient thing: it just sits there and demands you call someone who doesn’t want to be called. Friends were always calling, calling, calling me. Hell, I hadn’t any time of my own. When it wasn’t the telephone it was the television. The radio, the phonograph….It was music by Mozzek in every restaurant, music and commercials on buses I rode to work. When it wasn’t music, it was interoffice communications, and my horror chamber of a radio wristwatch on which my friends and my wife phoned every five minutes.”
It all makes me wonder what other science fiction scenarios will soon be come reality….
The 2007 Teens' Top Ten is:
Are you going to be one of those unfortunate travelers braving the airports over the Thanksgiving holiday? If you are, why not load up your MP3 player with a few audio books to occupy your time? Many new titles have been added this month.
Title | Author |
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress | Sijie, Dai |
Blue Christmas | Andrews, Mary Kay |
Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy | Nimmo, Jenny |
Creation in Death | Robb, J.D. |
Fatherland | Harris, Robert |
King Dork | Portman, Frank |
A Lick of Frost | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Look Me in the Eye | Robison, John Elder |
The Secret Life of Josephine | Erickson, Carolly |
Sixteen in | Brand, Max |
Stone Cold | Baldacci, David |
Third Degree | Iles, Greg |
American Creation | Ellis, Joseph J. |
Charlie Bone & the | Nimmo, Jenny |
| Mills, Kyle |
Double Cross | Patterson, James |
The Heir | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Last Night at the Lobster | O'Nan, Stewart |
The Race | Patterson, Richard North |
Find out if you know when to use "it's" or "its and "there," "their," or "they're" with this fun little quiz. If you grew up in a household like mine, with a mother who would correct us by saying things like “that is THEY, not, that’s them.” you will find it a piece of cake. I only missed one, don’t tell my Mom, or the Library Director either because she knows her grammar like nobody’s business. Hmmm, was that correct grammar?
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss
Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies by June Casagrande
When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It by Ben Yagoda
Spunk and Bite by Arthur Plotnik
Right, Wrong, and Risky by Mark Davidson
Much Ado About English by Todd Watson
Before you give money this year, make sure to check up on the groups you are interested in at